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The Actor's Vow: Why It's Crucial for Actors to Embrace and Strive for Excellence

Writer's picture: Neil MulacNeil Mulac


Elia Kazan, a renowned American director, and actor developed the Actor's Vow in the mid-20th century. This vow is a pledge that an actor takes to commit to their craft fully. The Actor's Vow is a powerful statement that reflects the dedication and passion that actors need to succeed in their profession.

The Actor's Vow is essential because it reminds actors of the level of commitment required to excel in their craft. Acting is not just about learning lines and delivering them with emotion. It is an art that requires continuous effort, practice, and self-improvement. The Actor's Vow provides a framework for actors to strive toward excellence and maintain a high standard of professionalism.

The Actor's Vow is also important because it acknowledges the actor's responsibility towards their craft and the audience. The audience expects a certain level of performance from actors, and the Actor's Vow reminds actors of the need to live up to those expectations. Moreover, the Actor's Vow acknowledges the actor's responsibility toward their fellow performers and the crew. Acting is a collaborative effort, and the Actor's Vow encourages actors to work together toward creating a successful production.

Here is the Actor's Vow, as written by Elia Kazan:

"I will take upon myself the responsibilities and obligations which an actor owes to himself and to his fellow craftsmen, to his audience, and to his country. I will never neglect the emotional truth of a scene in order to make it easy or to make myself look good. I will not do anything onstage that will injure my fellow actors or detract from the total effectiveness of the play. I will remember that I am a part of the theatre and that without a company of actors, there can be no play. I will never belittle a part or fail to prepare it with the fullest possible devotion. I will respect the dignity and importance of my profession and vow to uphold its highest standards."

The Actor's Vow is a powerful statement, and actors should embrace it because it provides a guiding principle for their craft. It encourages actors to strive for excellence, work collaboratively, and respect their profession. By embracing the Actor's Vow, actors can maintain their passion and dedication towards their craft and inspire others to do the same.

The Actor's Vow is a powerful pledge that reflects the dedication and passion required to excel in the art of acting. It is important because it provides a framework for actors to strive towards excellence, work collaboratively, and respect their profession. Actors should embrace the Actor's Vow to maintain their commitment to their craft and inspire others to do the same.

Source: "Elia Kazan's Actor's Vow" by Elia Kazan, in "A Life in the Theatre" by Thomas Kelly (Vintage, 1997).


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